Indonesian Cocoa Board
Indonesia is the world's third largest cocoa producer after Ivory Coast and Ghana, and its stable political and economic conditions make it a great opportunity to supply raw materials for both domestic and global markets.
In the past three years, Indonesia’s cocoa grinding has shown a significant increase, from 130,000 tons in 2009/2010 to 265,000 tons in 2011/2012. The increase is in line with the increase in export volume and finished products from 16% in 2009 to 54% in 2012. On the other hand, there is a slight downward trend in cocoa production which is partly due to the ageing of the plants, coupled with the ageing of cocoa producers/farmers, pest and disease attacks, declining soil fertility, lack of interest of the next generation to become cocoa farmers, and competition for land use between cocoa cultivation and other commodities.
cocoa cultivation and other commodities.
In order to find breakthrough solutions to realize the sustainability of Indonesian cocoa both in terms of production and quality in support of the downstream program policy, the Indonesian Cocoa Board, in collaboration with the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Trade, and cocoa stakeholders, intends to organize an Indonesian Cocoa Workshop with the theme “Improving Productivity and Quality Towards Sustainable Indonesian Cocoa”.
Workshop Participants:
Objective: To produce real breakthroughs in realizing sustainable Indonesian cocoa.
For more information please download the brochure here: DOWNLOAD COCOA WORKSHOP BROCHURE 2013
To Download the Proposal for the 2013 Indonesian Cocoa Workshop : DOWNLOAD COMMEMORATION OF INDONESIAN COCOA DAY 2013