- To be an organization that develop integrated and sustainable cocoa agribusiness to increase the welfare of all Indonesian cocoa stakeholders.
- To increase the efficiency, added value and competitiveness of Indonesian cocoa continuously
- To increase the role of national cocoa agribusiness on supporting the development of national economy
- To guard the continuity of supply and demand of cocoa and its derivatives in domestic as well as international markets
- To speed up research and development on quality improvement and productivity of Indonesian cocoa as well as its derivatives
- To speed up the integrated cocoa agribusiness investment
- To provide informations regarding Indonesian cocoa
- To speed up the availability of regulations those support Indonesian cocoa development
- Develop a sinergy amongs associations and institutes those related to cocoa commodity to build a competitive, beneficial, socially as well as sustainable Indonesian cocoa agribusiness
- Develop a communication and consultancy to government in giving suggestions, considerations and response on government policy those related to cocoa agribusiness
- Make cooperation and coordination with organizations/institutes in Indonesia and abroad those related to cocoa agribusiness